We have done various jobs for this company in the past, from a full office paint job to just touch ups in the meeting rooms, conference rooms, toilets and kitchens. We have also used an airless spray to re paint block work in their warehouse unit, however this time it was a full re paint of all communal areas and repair work due to a change of branding, where vinyl stickers needed to be removed and and the area made good. 
We removed the vinyl stickers with a wide razor scraper, this left a sticky residue behind which needed to be removed before painting, so a few wipes over with white spirit easily removed the residue, however in some areas the removal of the stickers did damage the paintwork. 
To resolve this we sanded the damaged edges down with a dustless sander then applied a stabilising primer to all edges and bare plaster, the next step was to over fill the areas with a fine filler, once the filler had dried we sanded the area down with a dustless sander then spot primed the filled areas ready for painting.  


After the repair work had been done on the various walls, all the walls, skirting boards and handrails on the staircase required 2 full coats of paint in their company colours. 


